2009-03-04 13:24
午飯時候的尖東海傍, 細雨落在廖廖數人的海傍公園。維港對岸浸淫在一片雨霧之中, 腳下海浪輕拍著, 渡輪緩緩的飄浮來往……
已是多少歲月了, 未嘗如此安然的感覺。
心中安寧, 是因為我已決定了我的去向。
朋友們, 祝福我們吧…
BB、bb, 我們攜手邁步吧, 途中也許風風雨雨, 我們攜手並肩上吧…
好了, 下一站醫院產房!
before i will forget, i should memorise this.
The word in Chinese ‘XinFu’, should be defined as: Happy, lucky, contented, and appreciated.
My friend, i known, your memory last to the moment of getting out of the toilet, mine is not too much longer than yours. My memory last to the moment of getting in of the taxi again. After tacking you home, setting you in the couch, and i left. I did talk to the taxi driver for something, but i lost the memory of how getting out of the taxi, how did i get to the toilet and washed, and how did i get into the bed. Memory stopped here. The next moment is i was waked up by her, told me the alarm of my mobile phone was just shout. I brushed and washed, and catched the bus i’m taking now.
I am so happy, i am so lucky, i am so contented, i am so appreciated.
Without knowing of how getting into the bed, I was waked up, my t-shirt, trousers, socks are ready.
i am so happy, i am so lucky, i am so contented, and i am so appreciated.
I am so ‘XinFu’.
Sitting in the bus, i am going to take a snap, before i lost my memory again, i noted this down.
Kisses to my Babies………..with Love (K)
2009-02-23 Monday 06:40am on.the.bus
Mr. Jiang said: 「悶聲發大財」, but i was really happy when i saw the two red lines though i had known the result.
Date: Nov 16, 2008
I was really happy.
Nothing is difficult, we will stand hand in hand and face it and solve it all.
Keep smiling, with Love.
一年一度的十月一號國慶節, 于好多人來說, 是一個假期, 悠閒的一天。上年的十一,對某人來說, 是一個『赶一趟渾水』的日子;對我來說,只能是一个「被『赶一趟渾水』」的日子了。 continue reading…
Mad World
一走出去, 看到的人物、景物或事物,怎麼都跟我距離著一面半透明的磨砂玻璃。不知道周遭的人在幹甚麼,在關注奧運嗎?忙開學事宜嗎?
是「忙忙盲」嗎?是一直重覆在聽Gary Jules的”Mad World”的原因嗎?還是體內尼古丁癮發作呢?(已戒煙四日了)
風暴過後, 天空被洗刷得一片蔚藍。
sent to hospital.
out at 7:30am
All people do stupid things,
only Stupid people do stupid things repeatedly.
昏暗燈光的酒吧裡, 飄浮著濃烈的煙味, 趁著自動點唱機轉換唱片及四周喧嘩稍稍降低的一瞬間, 在各自喝完各自的最高酒精可吸收量的百分之八十的時候, 凌晨一點半, 他連說帶唱地問我。 continue reading…
The girl told me cannot start M$ Live Messenger, but the process does exist in TaskManager. continue reading…
![]() 「噢?」 「是阿,廚房有,廳上有,廁所也都有噯!奇怪,就我們房間的廁所沒發現。」 |